English Vocab

No War For Now
China fought its last war in 1979 against Vietnam. But it wasn’t an unqualified success because Hanoi gave back as good as it got.
India fought its last war in 1971 ~ Kargil in 1999 was no more than a border skirmish (an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or
fleets.) ~ and it was quite a triumph since India succeeded in cutting its adversary, Pakistan, into two. It needs to be said, however, that both the 1979 and 1971 wars were not in the same league as the worldwide conflicts of the mid-20th century which were fought in land, air and sea and lasted for half a decade.
By that token, both China and India were spared the trauma of a prolonged warfare in the recent past. This may be the reason why China hasn’t hesitated in the matter of provoking a perceived enemy ever since it was able to overcome the disastrous events in the aftermath of the Communist takeover of the country when it experienced famine and an internal power struggle exemplified in the cultural revolution and the flight and the death in an air crash of Lin Biao, a challenger to the Great Helmsman, Mao Zedong.
Having emerged from those near-apocalyptic events to become a powerful economic and military power, China is now seemingly bent on letting the world know about its strength.
Not surprisingly, it has been targeting India if only because the latter poses, more than any of China’s other neighbours, a political threat by being a democracy in contrast to China’s one-party dictatorship (which doesn’t earn it much international respect) and a nuclear power whose military prowess (skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.), though not as formidable as China’s, is not negligible.
China has appeared keen, therefore, to test India’s resolve by, first, doing away with the 2005 agreement not to disturb areas where there are “settled populations” and, secondly, via incursions along various points along the 4,057 km border between the two countries. Doklam in the trijunction of India, Bhutan and China saw the latest of these intrusions. But it may well turn out to be one of the last because China has realized that India has decided to take it on frontally even at the risk of a war.
It is possible that 20 or 30 years earlier, China would not have minded a short, sharp war as in 1962. Hence, perhaps, the repeated references to that year in its bellicose semi-official communiques during the Doklam standoff.
The Chinese probably believed that India would take fright at the possibility of being “vaporised”, as the Chinese media threatened. But when this did not happen and India remained cool and unperturbed (undisturbed), Beijing apparently lost the plot because it realized that a war is inadvisable in the present era of trade.
Its dilemma was all the greater because it knew that even a short, sharp war would undermine its vaunted(boasted by praise) Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the South Asia region and perhaps elsewhere as well because the conflict would show up China’s reckless belligerence which would be out of sync with commercial enterprises. It is evident that projects like the BRI and the emphasis on trade as a result of globalization have had a dampening effect on warmongers (a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.).
North Korea is an exception because of its closed economy. But since nearly all the countries are now interlinked in myriad (countless or extremely great in number.) ways through trade and commerce, none of them is eager for a major disruptive misadventure. Neither is China.
All that it wants to do at present is seemingly to throw its weight around so that the others will simply back off, whether in the South China Sea or in South Asia. But for all its sabre-rattling (the display or threat of military force.), it is unlikely to opt for war.
The fallout of this compulsive recourse to restraint on China’s part is that India can breathe easy since even there are more Doklamtype provocations, as the Indian army chief, Gen. Bipin Rawat, has warned, the chances of a war are minimal.
At the same time, it will be unrealistic to expect that China will opt for a harmonious settlement of the border question since it will be difficult for it to pull back after having ratcheted up (To cause something to increase in increments:) its demand like the one for the virtual annexation of Arunachal Pradesh, which China calls southern Tibet. Besides, war or no war, China is scared about being seen as a country which has thrown in the towel (To quit in defeat).
A dictatorship simply cannot afford to be seen as being weak lest it encourages its captive population to demand a greater say in governance. Indeed, the present de-escalation of the crisis in Doklam is bad news for President Xi Jinping on the eve of the party congress, for the lowering of the tension with India and Bhutan has scuttled (deliberately cause (a scheme) to fail) his plans for posing as the new Mao.
This explains why China says that it is continuing to exercise its “sovereign rights” in Doklam and may even restart the project of building the road ~ if weather permits ! ~ which has been put on hold in the aftermath of the entry of the Indian troops into the plateau.

1. Skirmish (noun): (An episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.) (भिड़न्त/लड़ाई)
Synonyms: Fight, Battle, Clash, Conflict, Encounter, Confrontation, Combat.
Antonyms: Accord, Agreement, Calm, Concord, Harmony.
Example: Even though the skirmish they had was short, their friendship was never the same afterward.
Verb forms: Skirmish, Skirmished, Skirmished.
Related words:
Skirmish (verb) - Engage in a skirmish.
Origin: from Old French eskirmiss

2. Prowess (noun): (Skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.) (कौशल)
Synonyms: Skill, Expertise, Effectiveness, Mastery, Talent, Adroitness, Adeptness
Antonyms: Inability, Incapacity, Weakness
Example: With a prowess for writing, the promising author wrote a fiction novel of nine-hundred-pages.
Origin: from French prou ‘valiant’.

3. Unperturbed (adjective): (Not disturbed or concerned.) (अविचलित/स्थिर)
Synonyms: Untroubled, Undisturbed, Unworried, Unflustered, Unruffled, Placid, Serene.
Antonyms: Agitated, Perturbed, Upset, Worried.
Example: During the traffic rush, the drunk driver was unperturbed and relaxed.
Verb forms: Perturb, Perturbed, Perturbed.
Related words:
Perturb (verb) - Make (someone) anxious or unsettled.
Origin:  from Latin perturbare, from per- ‘completely’ + turbare‘disturb’.

4. Vaunt (verb): Boast about or praise (something), especially excessively. (शेखी या डींग मारना)
Synonyms: Boast, Brag, Exult, Flaunt
Antonyms: Be Modest, Be moderate.
Example: China likes to vaunt its military strength, intimidating her neighbors.
Verb forms: Vaunt, Vaunted, Vaunted
Related words:
Vauntingly (adverb) - शेखी मारते हुए

5. Warmonger (noun): A person who advocates war or warlike policies/a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups. (युद्धोत्तेजक)
Synonyms: Sabre-Rattler, Aggressor, Militarist, Belligerent
Antonyms: Pacifist, Peace Maker
Example: A warmonger person often makes such kind of comments that often lead to fights.

6. Myriad (adjective): (Countless or extremely great in number.) (अनगिनत/असंख्य/बहुत सारी)
Synonyms: Innumerable, Countless, Infinite, Numberless, Unlimited.
Antonyms: Calculable, Countable, Limited, Measurable.
Example: Since John does not have a smartphone, he does not have access to the myriad apps that are available on the market.
Related words:
Myriad (noun) - A countless or extremely great number of people or things. 

7. Sabre-rattling (noun): (The display or threat of military force.) (संत्रास/ धमकी)
Synonyms: Intimidation, Threat, Frightening, Daunting.
Antonyms: Comforting, Heart-Warming.
Example:  After months of Sabre-rattling, the two sides have agreed to a peaceful resolution of their differences.

8. Ratchet up (phrasal verb): (To cause something to increase in increments:) (बढ़ा देना/ ऊपर होना)
Synonyms: Go High, Escalate, Step Up, Heighten, mount, rise.
Antonyms: Lower, Come Down, Slump, Descend.
Example: Because of lower supply and high demand, the TV prices will ratchet up this year,
Verb forms: Ratchet up, Ratcheted up, Ratcheted up.

9. Throw in the towel (idiom): (To quit in defeat/ give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope) (हार मान लेना)
Synonyms: Abandon A Struggle, Admit Defeat, Yield, Give In, Give Up.
Antonyms: Win, Conquer, Hold, Continue.
Example: Due to adversities, one should never throw in the towel.
Origin:  Based on the literal meaning of throwing a towel into the ring in boxing (signaling that a fighter can no longer continue by throwing a towel into the area where the fight takes place).   

10. Scuttle (verb): (Deliberately cause (a scheme) to fail) (विफल कर देना)
Synonyms: Foil, Derail, Baulk, Dash, Scupper.
Antonyms: Cause To Succeed, Aid, Help, Make Conquer.
Example: Working together, the countries hope to scuttle future terrorist attacks.
Verb forms: Scuttle, Scuttled, Scuttled.

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