English Vocab

Don't Waste A Good Crisis
The atmosphere in the room was slightly tense. Not angry or sullen (bad-tempered and sulky.), just uncomfortable, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping faced each other in Xiamen, the caterwauling of Doklam still echoing in their ears.

Both leaders of big powers with thousands of years of statecraft behind them, they crested that particular wave together and engaged in “forward-looking” discussions. We might have another border agreement understanding, which will be good only until the next crisis pops up, which it will, because China's expansion hunger is not easily satiated (satisfy (a desire or an appetite) to the full.).
For ten weeks, India and China provided a rare spectacle for the world. By the end, the number of ringside spectators had grown exponentially. The resolution, when it came, brought with it life hacks for every country with a China-sized challenge.
It's possible to deter China, by almost Gandhian means albeit 21st century style. It's possible for a non-Chinese narrative to prevail, especially if it is borne out by history, international law and an ability to see through the Chinese game. There is a new template out there for different countries to use as they deem (regard or consider in a specified way.) fit, if they seek to tame Chinese expansionism. As Shyam Saran says, a China-centric world is not inevitable, it can be successfully contested.
And some clearly are contesting it. While our attention was trained on a windswept plateau, Botswana's President Ian Khama thumbed his nose at (to show that you do not respect rules, laws, or powerful people or organizations) Beijing over Dalai Lama and declared “we are not a colony of China” ­ Beijing had threatened to recall its ambassador if Dalai Lama set foot in Botswana. German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel shocked Europe when he accused China of trying to “divide” EU by paying off individual countries where they are major investors, for example Greece and Hungary.
He may also have been referring to Spain ­ which bent over backwards and amended its laws to throw out human rights cases by Tibetan litigants. And last week, Beijing threw a diplomatic fit when Indonesia renamed its sea the North Natuna Sea ­ areas China claims under its “nine-dash line“. That issue comes even as Singapore, in an unprecedented move, threw out Chinese academic Huang Jing for alleged lobbying for China.
The Brics declaration naming Pakistan and its terror groups was a bonus ­ though one suspects that had less to do with India and more to do with China's own irritation with Pakistan on terrorism ­ remember, in Astana, Xi refused to meet Nawaz Sharif after two Chinese were murdered in Pakistan. China has grand plans for Pakistan, from agriculture, tourism, pipelines, power, etc. Pakistan's proxy terrorists, including the ETIM, running tame are not part of that plan.
Moreover, as a result of the new Afghan policy, if Trump's US populates Pakistani skies with attack drones and surveillance aircraft, it would put China's nose seriously out of joint. In all the years America has begged, threatened, paid Pakistan to kick the terror habit, American economic interests were not involved. China is getting into the weeds (Totally immersed or preoccupied with the details or complexities (of something)), literally, which will affect how Pakistan lives and thinks, and prays.
On the other hand, a Kim Jong Un running riot is fine for Xi. As long as the Americans don't attack, China remains an important player, and everybody else is off kilter (unconventional or eccentric.). Xi is essentially playing the same card Pakistan did for 15 years ­ running the Taliban in Afghanistan while positioning itself as the only broker of peace. This strategy has a definite sell-by date. China is playing master puppeteer on many fronts, but it's unclear how many Xi will win.
Notwithstanding all this, Doklam could have turned out very differently, and we could have been lickingour wounds (to recover from a defeat or a rebuke.). Chinese commentators rightly said “China is five times India's size”, and unlike India they have not been wasting their time. Even if they did not physically attack in the eastern or western sector, China has enough tools to incapacitate India ­ a high quality cyber attack, perhaps on the Aadhaar ecosystem; an anti-satellite attack to immobilise Indian communications ... the list can go on.
Every crisis is an opportunity. India should not let a good crisis go waste. Doklam has notched up (to achieve something) a big achievement ­ the average Indian is now convinced China is an enemy. This is actually China's biggest loss vis-à-vis India. It would have taken years to get Indian companies, states, entities to sharpen awareness of the dangers China poses. Doklam has done that in two months.
Anecdotal (not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.) evidence shows growing numbers of companies reviewing their numbers of companies reviewing their China-buy decisions, state governments becoming more vigilant, etc. It's interesting the government accepted the Shekatkar committee report on military modernisation soon after Doklam, recognising the dangers of its present attitude.
What will be more important would be to opt for joint development of defence equipment with Japan, as suggested by the just completed defence dialogue ­ it's time to look beyond the US-2, and turn the strategic convergence into reality. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be here next week, all eyes should be on that visit.
Bhutan should get a lot more Indian attention because, in some ways, we owe Bhutan. Bhutan has made its own strategic choice, we should be worthy of it. So stop the meaningless bickering (arguing about petty and trivial matters.) over rupees and hydro projects. Time to invest big in Bhutan.
Watch Wolf Warrior 2, China's Rambo flick breaking box office records. Wu Jing, the Chinese Rambo, personifies the new China ­ willing and able to inflict costs on those that thwart it. India played a sophisticated game in Doklam. It needs to keep playing it.

1. Sullen (adjective): (Bad-tempered and sulky.) (उदास/रूठा हुआ/खिन्न)
Synonyms: Surly, Sulky, Pouting, Morose, Resentful, Glum, Joyless.
Antonyms: Cheerful, Merry, Happy, Jolly, Joyful, Joyous.
Example: When she rejected his love proposal, he became sullen.
Related words:
Sullenly (adverb) - मुँह फुलाए हुए
Sullenness (noun) - मालिन्य
Origin: from Anglo-Norman French sulein, from sol ‘sole’.

2. Satiate (verb): (Satisfy (a desire or an appetite) to the full.) (संतृप्त करना/संतुष्ट करना)
Synonyms: Satisfy; Slake, Quench, Gratify, Saturate.
Antonyms: Disappoint, Deprive, Dissatisfy, Starve.
Example: A trip to the library will satiate Jeremy’s thirst for knowledge.
Verb forms: Satiate, Satiated, Satiated.
Related words:
Satiation (noun) – satisfaction

3. Thumb one’s nose at (idiom): (To show that you do not respect rules, laws, or powerful people or organizations) (उपेक्षा करना/निरादर करना)
Synonyms: Disregard, Disrespect, Deride, Disparage, Belittle, Discredit.
Antonyms: Admire, Commend, Exalt, Respect.
Example: The actor, in a further attempt to thumb his nose at Government, declined to accept the award.

4. Off kilter (adjective): (Unconventional or eccentric.) (विपथगामी/उत्केन्द्री)
Synonyms: Non-Conformist, Unorthodox, Unfamiliar, Uncustomary, Atypical, Offbeat. 
Antonyms: Usual, Conventional, Customary.
Example: Loud buzzing noises and flashes coming from the microwave alerted my mom that it was off kilter.

5. Notch up (phrasal verb): (To achieve something) (हासिल करना)
Synonyms: Score, Succeed, Achieve, Earn Wings, Get Done.
Antonyms: Fail, Give Up, Lose, Surrender.
Example: With diligence and toil, Virat Kohli has notched up a great position in cricket community.
Verb forms: Notch up, Notched up, Notched up.

6. Get into the weeds (idiom): (getting into the details /Totally immersed or preoccupied with the details or complexities (of something) (विस्तार से/ब्यौरेवार/गहराई में)
Synonyms: In minutiae, In details, Count everything, Take to fine points.
Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect.
Example: Before passing the judgement, a judge needs to get into the weeds of a case.

7. Anecdotal (adjective): (Not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.) (अवास्तविक/उपाख्यानात्मक/ किस्सा संबंधी)
Synonyms: Unreliable, Based On Hearsay, Unscientific
Antonyms: Scientific, Factual, Reliable.
Example: The writings of the ancient historian are very anecdotal, focusing too much on his own life’s experiences.
Related words:
 Anecdote (noun) - An account regarded as unreliable or hearsay.
Origin: from Greek anekdota ‘things unpublished’

8. Bicker (verb): (Arguing about petty and trivial matters.) (झगड़ा करना /कलह करना)
Synonyms: Disagree, Quarrel, Quibble, Squabble, Wrangle, Brawl, Dispute.
Antonyms: Agree, Concur, Make Peace, harmonize.
Example: After a prolonged bickering, they finally managed to find a movie that both were interested in seeing.  
Verb forms: Bicker, Bickered, Bickered.

9. Deem (verb): (Regard or consider in a specified way.) (की तरह जानना या समझना)
Synonyms: Regard As, Consider, Adjudge, Look On As, View As, See As, Take to be.
Antonyms: Ignore, Misunderstand.
Example: Because I am still running a very high temperature, the doctor does not deem me fit to leave the hospital.
Verb forms: Deem, Deemed, Deemed.

10. Licking (noun): (A heavy defeat or beating.) (हार)
Synonyms: Defeat, Loss, Beating, Trouncing, Drubbing, Rout.
Antonyms: Victory, Win, Success, Attainment.
Example: With the licking of the rebels, the village was left in peace.
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