English Quiz

Directions (1-15): Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question(s) given below them. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some questions.


Rationalism has been defined as the mental attitude which unreservedly accepts the supremacy of reason and aims at establishing a system of philosophy and ethics verifiable by experience and independent of all arbitrary assumptions or authority. This definition of Rationalism was framed at the inauguration of the Rationalist Press Association (RPA) in London in the year 1899.

Q1. This paragraph best supports the statement that …………
(a) Ethics does not constitute a part of philosophy.
(b) One has to accept certain beliefs to find the final truth.
(c) Rationalism is not a set of beliefs which is devoid of verification
(d) Mental attitude is independent of all assumptions.
(e) Only RPA can establish philosophy of Rationalism.

S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. “Rationalism is not a set of beliefs which is devoid of verification” means “rationalism is a set of beliefs verifiable by experience”. So, this statement gets support in the passage.

Q2. Which of the following words is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word unreservedly as used in the paragraph?
(a) conditionally
(b) fully
(c) partially
(d) collectively
(e) unilaterally

S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. The word unreservedly in the paragraph can be substituted with the word fully without changing the sense. So, the right choice is fully.


In today’s world where teachers have a busy schedule, it is noticed that only a few teachers have time for the students learning experiences. One thing which is lacking in almost all classrooms is teachers motivating students to do better. What happens is that teachers would like to give attention to the students who have high intelligence and who are academically good. A larger portion of the student population is neglected. Teachers blame them for not trying to do their best.

Q3. The author would like the teachers to …………
(a) motivate bright students to enhance their academic achievement.
(b) improve their own academic standards to motivate students.
(c) keep their schedule busy by carrying out various duties.
(d) encourage and give planned learning experiences to all students.
(e) encourage good students to help poor students.

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. The author criticizes the teachers and the education system as a whole for not encouraging and giving planned learning experiences to all students. So, he would like the teachers to encourage and give planned learning experiences to all students.

Q4. According to the author why are teachers not in a position to perform their expected role?
(a) Majority of the student neglect the classroom teaching.
(b) The students are very busy and have less time to learn.
(c) Intelligent students are after teacher, seeking their help in studies.
(d) They are forced to spend more time in motivating good students.
(e) None of these

S4. Ans.(e)
Sol. The first reason is that teachers are busy and as second reason we can say that they would like to give attention to the good students. The first reason is absent from the given options and the option (d) though mentions the second reason but the use of the word “forced” makes it irrelevant. The teachers are not forced to take special care for good students.


Due to the development of individualism and permissiveness, social norms have become slack and parents and teachers are unable to play their traditional role of shaping the character of their children and pupils. The growing complexity of society due to technological development and the slackness of social norms as a result of the growth of individualism and permissiveness are the two causes of the moral crisis of our time.

Q5. According to the author which of the following is one of the outcomes
(a) Inability of parents and teachers to develop value base of children.
(b) More than expected growth of Science and Technology.
(c) Increasing social cohesiveness INSPITE of violence and disturbances
(d) Emergence of new social norms which obstruct growth of individualism
(e) None of these
S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. (a) is the correct option.
Q6. Which of the following words is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word slackness as used in the paragraph?
(a) rigidity
(b) vigorous
(c) sluggishness
(d) business
(e) tightness

S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Slackness and rigidity are opposite in meaning to each other. So, the correct answer is (a). This is true in the context of the passage also.


Marx, the founder of communism, had predicted the failure and eventual overthrow of capitalism because of what he regarded as its inherent contradiction. He visualized that capitalism would maintain the wages of labour at a low subsistence level, while progressively increasing its productivity by the employment of technologically advanced means of production. During last many decades the real wages of workers in advanced capitalist countries have gradually and progressively increased. The prediction of Marx has not been borne out by history.

Q7. Which of the following supports the statement “the prediction ………… borne out by history”?
(a) The capitalism has just survived but not taken firm roots.
(b) The salaries of all the employees have gone up in advanced countries.
(c) Technological development has not taken place in capitalist countries.
(d) The salaries of all the employees have gone down in all the countries.
(e) There is no increase in the productivity of workers.

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. The prediction of Marx has not been borne out by history as the salaries of all the employees have gone up in advanced countries.

Q8. Which of the following words is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word regarded as used in the paragraph?
(a) respected
(b) valued
(c) related
(d) thought
(e) estimated
S8. Ans.(d)
Sol. We know regarded and thought are synonyms. So, though (d) is the right answer.

Literature is a medium through which a person can convey his ideas towards or protests against different norms of society. Those works that deal with a moral issue are of particular importance in literature, they are written with a particular purpose in mind. A literary work with a moral issue will live on to be reinterpreted by different generations. These works involve the reader for he forms his own moral judgement towards the issue.

Q9. Why does the author consider write-ups ‘that deal with a moral issue’ are more important in literature?
(A) They are open for rethinking by coming generations.
(B) They are written with a specific approach.
(C) They help the reader in forming or consolidating his values and approaches.
(a) Only A
(b) Both A and B
(c) Both A and C
(d) Only C
(e) None of these

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Statement (A) gets supports in the last but one sentence of the paragraph and the statement (C) gets supports in the last statement. So, the answer is (c).

Q10. The first sentence of the paragraph implies…………
(a) literature is not one of the best media of expression for a society.
(b) society does not observe same standard for all its members.
(c) only literature allows individuals to express their different views.
(d) society can change its value system after it reinterprets literature.
(e) None of these

S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. The statement that “only literature allows individuals to express their different views” cannot be considered as correct due to the use of the word “only”. In the absence of appropriate option, our answer is (e).


The phenomena of child labour is quite complex. Children work because they belong to poor families who cannot survive without the benefit of the income which accrues to the family on account of child labour. Any attempt to abolish it through legal recourse would, under the circumstances, not be practical. The only alternative is to ban child labour in hazardous areas and to regulate and ameliorate the conditions of work in other areas. Many developing countries including India have accepted this approach.

Q11. According to the paragraph abolishing child labour through legal means is most likely to result into…………
(a) dragging/pushing the family of the child in acute economic stress.
(b) shortage of labour in other areas of work.
(c) regulation of services of adult workers.
(d) betterment of working conditions of adult labourers.
(e) better understanding of reality.

S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. So far the given paragraph is concerned, abolition of child labour through legal means is most likely to result into dragging or pushing the family of the child in acute economic stress. This can be inferred from what is said in the second and third sentences of the paragraph.

Q12. What can be inferred about the policy being followed about child labour in India?
(A) Giving economic benefits to the families of child labourers.
(B) Reducing/controlling child labour in unhealthy areas of work.
(C) Monitoring and improving working conditions for children.
(a) Only A and B
(b) Only B and C
(c) Only A and C
(d) Only B
(e) None of these

S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. From the paragraph it becomes clear that India, like many other developing countries has banned child labour in hazardous areas and regulate the conditions of work in other areas.
So, statements (B) and (C) are correct.

Q13. Which of the following words is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word ameliorate as used in the paragraph?
(a) cover
(b) adjust
(c) remove
(d) mitigate
(e) fix

S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. If someone or something ameliorates a situation, they make it batter or easier in someway.
To mitigate something means to make it less unpleasant, serious, or painful.
So, ameliorate and mitigate are more or less synonymous. Hence the answer is (d).


In recent years our society has shown readiness to address the educational and developmental needs of adolescents. Be it the Government or people in the community, there is a realization that something needs to be done to build on the energy and enthusiasm of this crucial section of the population. Growing social unrest, violence, crime and increasing visibility of the young has contributed to this readiness.

Q14. Which of the following words is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word ‘address’ as used in the paragraph?
(a) discourage
(b) diffuse
(c) locate
(d) disorganise
(e) ignore

S14. Ans.(e)
Sol. Address in the passage means “direct one’s attention to” or “pay heed to”. So, as antonym we can choose ignore.

Q15. Which of the following is not a likely cause of readiness shown by people towards adolescents?
(a) Increase in crime
(b) Growing violence
(c) Equality of opportunity
(d) Physical presence of youth
(e) Increased social unrest

S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. “Equality of opportunity” is absent from the paragraph. So, it is the right answer.
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