English Vocab

The da Vinci Lode
Was it the artistic power of the work, casting the aesthetic (giving or designed to give pleasure through beauty.) spell known as Stendhal syndrome (a psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to an experience of great personal significance, particularly viewing art.) over some powerful tycoon?

Was it the rarity of what Christie’s promoted as “The Last da Vinci”?
Or was it what Marx called “commodity fetish (an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing.),” driven to new heights in the rarefied strata of the hyper rich?
Even in a business in which prices have soared in recent years, the sale of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” at Christie’s in New York for $400 million, plus $50.3 million in commissions, has everyone, experts and commoners alike, groping (search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands.) for explanations. This was more than double the previous record for art sold at auction, $179.4 million for a Picasso in 2015, and five times more than the highest price ever paid for an old master, $76.7 million for a Rubens in 2002.
“Salvator Mundi” is rare; on that there is no debate. There are only 15 other known Leonardos, all in museums. And it has royal provenance (the place of origin or earliest known history of something.): Commissioned by King Louis XII of France, owned by Charles I and Charles II of England, the painting passed into obscurity for three centuries until it was “rediscovered” in 2005.
The marketing by Christie’s was prodigious (remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.). Pre-sale viewings in Hong Kong, London, San Francisco and New York drew 27,000 people, and an outside agency was hired to create a dramatic video chronicling (record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.) the “real-life emotions” of selected viewers. To heighten excitement, the marketers referred to the work as “the male Mona Lisa” and to the artist as “da Vinci,” a name with greater public recognition than the “Leonardo” commonly used by scholars.
Whoever bought the painting must be possessed of supreme self-confidence, for there are also reasons collectors might have shied away. Though the work is generally accepted as a real Leonardo, doubts linger (stay in a place longer than necessary)among some scholars as to its authenticity. Why, for example, are the images passing through the crystal orb in Jesus’ hand not inverted, as a keen scientific observer like Leonardo would surely have noted? Moreover, the work has been marred (impair the quality or appearance of) by repeated repaintings and restorations. To the Times critic Jason Farago, it was “a proficient but not especially distinguished religious picture from turn-of-the-16th-century Lombardy, put through a wringer of restorations.”
The more recent history of the painting is also murky (obscure or morally questionable.). It was put on sale by the family trust of Dmitry Rybolovlev, a Russian oligarch living in Monaco who is involved in a lawsuit against the Swiss dealer who over the years helped him amass a huge art collection, including the Leonardo.
We may someday learn the identity and motives of the buyer, though in the secretive world of art collection that is not a certainty. But even if the motive is a pure love of art, the price paid for the Leonardo testified to something gone wrong in the balance of value and values. It reflects a world in which the minute sliver (part or piece) of the obscenely rich see nothing untoward in parking hundreds of millions of dollars on a rare but unexceptional painting that may well spend the next several years in a tax-free storage facility.
That the subject is the “Savior of the World” makes it all the more lamentable ((of an event, action, or attitude) unfortunate; regrettable.).

1. Aesthetic (adjective): (Giving or designed to give pleasure through beauty.)  (सौम्य / कलात्मक / सुरुचिपूर्ण)   
Synonyms: Decorative, Elegant, Exquisite, Beautiful, Artistic.
Antonyms: Displeasing, Ugly, Unattractive
Example: Because Henry could see both the mountains and the ocean from his hotel room, he really enjoyed the aesthetic view.
Related words:
Aestheticism (noun) – सौंदर्यशास्र

2. Fetish (noun): (An excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing.) (अंधभक्ति/जड़ासक्ति)
Synonyms: Fixation, Obsession, Compulsion, Mania.
Antonyms: Dislike, Hatred.
Example: The fact Karen owns hundreds of pairs of shoes is evidence of her shoefetish.
Related words:
Fetishized (adjective) - अत्याकर्षित
Origin: from Latin facticius “charm”

3. Grope (verb): (Search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands.) (ढूँढना/खोजना)
Synonyms: Search, Hunt, Look, Rummage.
Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect.
Example: The homeowner began to grope around in the dark in search of a flashlight or candle.
Verb forms: Grope, Groped, Groped.

4. Provenance (noun): (The place of origin or earliest known history of something.) (उत्पत्ति/उद्गम)
Synonyms: Origin, Source, Place of origin; Birthplace, Pedigree, Root, Etymology
Antonyms: Conclusion, End
Example: The provenance of homo sapiens was a disputed issue for most of the recent years.
Origin:  from Latin provenire, from pro- ‘forth’ + venire ‘come’.

5. Chronicle (verb): (Record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way) (लिपिबद्ध करना)
Synonyms: Record, Write Down, Set Down, Document, Register.
Example: When the detective read the chronicle of the attack, he knew how and when the victim died.
Verb forms: Chronicle, Chronicled, Chronicled
Related words:
Chronicle (noun) - A factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.
Origin: from Greek khronika ‘annals’

6. Linger (verb): (Stay in a place longer than necessary) (रुका रहना/टिका रहना)
Synonyms: Stay, Remain, Persist, Continue, Be Protracted.
Antonyms: Vanish, Disappear.
Example: After school some students always linger around the building to talk to their friends.
Verb forms: Linger, Lingered, Lingered.
Related words:
Lingering (adjective) - विलंब करने वाला
Origin: From  German längen ‘make long

7. Mar (verb): (Impair the quality or appearance of) (हानि पहुंचाना/खराब करना)
Synonyms: Spoil, Ruin, Impair, Disfigure, Tarnish, Vitiate.
Antonyms: Clean, Repair, Embellish.
Example: The author’s last book was so poorly written it marred his legacy.
Verb forms: Mar, Marred, Marred.

8. Murky (adjective): (Obscure or morally questionable.) (संदेहास्पद)
Synonyms: Questionable, Suspicious, Dubious, Shady, caliginous.
Antonyms: Luminous, Moral.
Example: Most people are naturally murky of door to door salesmen.

9. Sliver (noun): (A small, thin, narrow piece of something (cut or split off a larger piece.))  (टुकड़ा/छोटा भाग)
Synonyms: Splinter, Shard, Chip, Flake, Shred, Small Part.
Antonyms: Whole.
Example: When the batsman got run out on a score of 35 runs chasing a score of 424 runs, he just made a sliver contribution.
Verb forms: Sliver, Slivered, Slivered.
Related words:
Sliver (verb) - Cut or break (something) into small, thin, narrow pieces.

10. Lamentable (adjective): ((Of an event, action, or attitude) unfortunate; regrettable.)  (निराशाजनक)
Synonyms: Deplorable, Tragic, Awful, Wretched, Woeful, Sorrowful, Distressing, Grievous.
Antonyms: Cheerful, Gleeful.
Example: While mental health awareness has increased, the stigma that comes with having a mental disorder is still lamentable.
Verb forms: Lament, Lamented, Lamented.
Related words:
Lament (verb) - express regret or disappointment about something.
Origin: from Latin lamenta  ‘weeping, wailing’.
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