English Vocab

The Cryptocurrency Conundrum
Cryptocurrency is the term used to denote a set of currencies which are a subset of digital currencies using the technique of cryptography and which exist only on the digital platform. As of July 2017, there are 900 digital currencies in existence. Bitcoin is best known of such currency formats and is based on the pioneering work of its unknown founder Satoshi Nakamoto whose identity remains shrouded (obnubilated)in suspense even today.

As of now, hundreds of cryptocurrency specifications exist which are mostly similar to and derived from the first fully implemented decentralised cryptocurrency, bitcoin. The safety, integrity and balance of ledgers (a book or other collection of financial accounts.) within cryptocurrency systems is maintained by a community of parties referred to as miners. Members of the public add these transactions to the ledger in accordance with a particular scheme of time-stamping using their computers to help validate and time-stamp transactions.
The distributed nature of miners trying to maintain ledgers at the cost of a built in financial incentive forms the cornerstone of security of the cryptocurrency system. Decentralised cryptocurrency is produced through the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem collectively, at a rate which is defined when the system is first created and which is publicly known. For example, the Bitcoin system specifies that new coins added to the system shall halve every four years till the new additions become zero by 2140 reaching the ultimate limit of 21 million coins.
One of the fundamental challenges posed by the rise of cryptocurrency systems is the complete lack of control on the issue and flow of currency in the economic system by governments. In the centralised banking based economic systems such as the Federal Reserve System, the government control the supply of currency by printing units of money or demanding additions to digital banking ledgers. In the case of decentralised cryptocurrency, governments cannot produce new units, and have neither provided any kind of backing so far for other firms, banks or corporate entities which hold asset values measured in it.
The printing of currency is a core function, privilege and monopoly of the sovereign. Losing control over generation and flow of currency threatens the sovereignty of a country, unless the sovereign decides to adopt cryptocurrency as an official medium of exchange. But that means the sovereign also decides to exercise absolute control over the form, manner and extent of cryptocurrency in the system to the exclusion of all other forms of currency which undermines one of the basic tenets (a principle or belief) behind the success of such currency whose generation, control and flow is distributed over a bigger amorphous (without a clearly defined shape or form.)system based on rules.
The world is still grappling with the implications of the meteoric ((of the development of something) very rapid.) rise of cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange. Some countries have banned its use officially or restricted its usage. Some have recognised ‘Bitcoin’ officially like Russia. Most of the central bankers and governments are studying the dynamics of cryptocurrency. It is early days for the adoption of cryptocurrency in the wider economy; but a large number of exchanges – recognised and unrecognised, official and unofficial – offer connectivity and exchange with real currency and the real economy. Worldwide hundreds of thousands of establishments are directly recognising bitcoin for exchange of goods and services in the real economy; be it restaurants, pubs, or sellers of air tickets or hotel reservations. They even charge a lower fee of 0 to 2 per cent as against 2-3 per cent as commission. As of 2014, some of the big corporations accepting Bitcoin include Paypal, Microsoft, Dell and Newegg.
As the acceptance of Bitcoin increases in the system, it spreads its popularity from early adopters to the general public. As per some reports, there are at least 1.3 million users of Bitcoin and as per a separate research conducted by Cambridge university, there were between 2.9 million and 5.8 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet as of 2017, most of them using Bitcoin. As of June 2017, total market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies is higher than $100 billion and record high daily volume exceeds $6 billion.
Aiding and abetting (encourage or assist (someone) to do something) the popularity of these currencies is their unique feature which combines in them the feature of a medium of exchange like a regular currency and also the feature of a hard asset like property which can appreciate or depreciate. Incidentally, the value of Bitcoin has been increasing regularly and continuously despite occasional corrections. The value of Bitcoin has increased from $0.30 in 2011 to $ 3961 in 2017; a rise which has raised concerns of its being a Ponzi scheme (a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a non-existent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors.) or a fraud.  If it is not a fraud as claimed by some investigations and studies, than at least the rise does reflect a manic chase by investors.
Inherent and related to the function of the sovereign for control of currency/cryptocurrency are the concerns around control of money supply in the economy and consequently, also interest rate, inflation and employment. Control of money supply remains one of the most potent weapons in the hands of central bankers to influence interest rates and inflation in the system. Cryptocurrency by its very nature of distributed rules of generation and uncontrolled though secure flow across systems, threatens the control of central bankers and governments over a vital policy measure.
While underlying technology for control and flow of cryptocurrencies is technically very sound, control and monopoly of such system by a central bank shall kill the fundamentals of the underlying technological system which is built around random distribution.
Another important aspect arising out of cryptocurrency relates to financing of criminal activities like terror funding, drug peddling etc. With the flow of currency virtually borderless and instant, and outside the regular banking system; it offers a unique advantage as a medium of exchange for criminal elements. They can move funds virtually, almost anonymously, across multiple borders. This is becoming especially attractive as the linkages of cryptocurrency with the real economy are becoming stronger by the day. Governments are aware of the dangers of leaving the control of cryptocurrency outside the regulatory mechanism for too long.
As cryptocurrencies have yet to attain legality in a majority of countries, evasion (shirking) of taxes is another important challenge. Recently, IRS in US framed rules to recognise Bitcoin like currencies as property so that any gains arising out of an increase in its value shall be taxed as capital gains. But this is only one aspect of the problem. Cryptocurrencies can create virtually their own tax haven systems which tax administrators across the world would have to keep chasing.
The rise and increasing popularity of cryptocurrency undoubtedly reflects the dawn (kick-off) of a new era based on an entirely new platform. The advantages posed by the new system in terms of security, integrity, convenience, stability and scalability areunquestionable (irrefragable). In fact, the underlying technology is so robust that many other systems are exploring the possibility of adaptation in diverse categories like maintenance of land records, stock trading etc. The governments of the day are aware of the challenges and opportunities offered by the new currency system. The only thing to see is how fast and to what extent they move in to take charge for an orderly growth of cryptocurrencies with enough safeguards to prevent misuse by unscrupulous (having or showing no moral principles) elements.

1. Obnubilate (verb): (Darken or cover with/ cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.)  (छिपाना/ढकना)
Synonyms: Shroud, Veil, Cloak, Mask, Obscure, Overlay.
Antonyms: Reveal, Divulge, Bring To Light.
Example: The robbers wore large coats to Obnubilate  their weapons from the security guards.
Verb forms: Obnubilate  , Obnubilated, Obnubilated.
Origin: from Latin obnubilare  - ‘covered with clouds or fog’.

2. Ledger (noun): (A book or other collection of financial accounts.) (बहीखाता/लेखा बही)
Synonyms: Account Book, Record Book, Register, Registry, Log, Records, Balance Sheet, Financial Statement.
Example: The manager was furious over the cashier as the cash shown in the companyledger was not the same as the available balance the bank account.
Origin: from English “variants of lay”

3. Amorphous (adjective): Without a clearly defined shape or form/ lacking a clear structure or focus. (अव्यवस्थित)  
Synonyms: Shapeless, Formless, Unstructured, Indeterminate, Indefinite, Vague, Nebulous
Antonyms: Definite, Distinct, Shaped
Example: The amorphous laws are hard to follow because they are not clearly defined.
Origin:  from Greek amorphos ‘shapeless’ (from a- ‘without’ + morphē ‘form’).

4. Meteoric (adjective): (Lit- relating to meteors or meteorites./ (fig-of the development of something) very rapid.) (त्वरित/बहुत तेज)
Synonyms: Rapid, Swift, Fast, Quick, Speedy, Breakneck, Fast-Track, Accelerated, Whirlwind.
Antonyms: Slow, Gradual, Long-Drawn-Out
Example: In just a few years The value of Bitcoin has increased in a Meteoric way.

5. Abet (verb): (Encourage or assist (someone) to do something) (सहयोग देना/बढ़ावा देना)
Synonyms: Assist, Aid, Help, Lend A Hand, Support, Encourage.
Antonyms: Halt, Prevent, Stop, Disapprove.
Example: If you abet violence in your home, you should not be surprised if your children grow up to be abusers.
Verb forms: Abet, Abetted, Abetted
Related words:
Abetment (noun) - अवप्रेरण

6. Unscrupulous (adjective): (Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair/ unconcerned about doing what is right.) (अनैतिक)
Synonyms: Unprincipled, Unethical, Immoral, Conscienceless
Antonyms: Decent, Ethical, Fair, Moral
Example: Because the doctor was an unscrupulous man, he often charged his patients for tests he did not perform.
Related words:
Unscrupulously (adverb) - अनैतिकता से
Unscrupulousness (noun) – अनैतिकता

7. Shirk (verb): (Avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility).) (टालना/बचना)
Synonyms: Evade, Dodge, Avoid, Sidestep, Shun, Slide Out Of, Play Truant From.
Antonyms: Confront, Encounter, Face, Meet.
Example: A lazy manager often attempts to shirk his responsibilities by passing his tasks on to his workers.
Verb forms: Shirk, Shirked, Shirked.
Related words:
Shirk (noun) - A person who shirks.

8. Kick-off (noun): (The start of an event or activity.) (आरंभ/शुरुआत)
Synonyms: Beginning, Start, Outset, Opening, Start, Initiation, Inception, Commencement.
Antonyms: End, Finish, Completion.
Example: At the kick-off of the training process, the safety rules were explicitly stated so that no one would get hurt.

9. Irrefragable (adjective): (Not able to be disputed or doubted.) (निर्विवाद)
Synonyms: Indubitable, Undoubted, Indisputable, Undeniable, Irrefutable, Incontestable, Incontrovertible.
Antonyms: Disputable, Doubtful, Questionable.
Example: It is an Irrefragable fact smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of lung cancer.
Origin: from Latin irrefragabilis, from in- ‘not’ + refragari ‘oppose’. 

10. Tenet (noun): Principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy. / a belief or opinion considered valid by a group or individual (मत/सिद्धान्त)
Synonyms: Principle, Belief, Doctrine, Precept, Creed, Credo, Article Of Faith, Dogma
Antonyms: Disbelief, Doubt, Skepticism, Unbelief
Example: An example of tenet is the Christian belief that Jesus is the son of God.
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