English Vocab

Directions (Q.1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them.

An independent, able and upright judiciary is the hallmark of a free democratic country. Therefore, the process of judicial appointments is of vital importance. At present, on account of the Supreme Court’s last advisory opinion, the role of the executive and its interference in the appointment of judges is minimal, which, in light of our previous experience, is most welcome.
However, there is a strong demand for a National Judicial Commission on the ground of wider participation in the appointment process and for greater transparency. The composition, the role and the procedures of the proposed National Judicial Commission, must be clearly spelt out, lest it be a case of jumping from the frying-pan into the fire. Recently, there has been a lively debate in England on the subject. A judicial commission has been proposed but there are not many takers for that proposal. In the paper issued this month by the Lord Chancellor’s Department on judicial appointments, the Lord Chancellor has said, “I want every vacancy on the Bench to be filled by the best person available. Appointments must and will be made on merit, irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, marital status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, religion or disability. These are not mere words. They are firm principles. I will not tolerate any form of discrimination.”

At present, there are hardly any persons from the ethnic minorities manning the higher judiciary and so far not a single woman has made it to the House of Lords. The most significant part of Lord Chancellor's paper is the requirement that “allegations of professional misconduct made in the course of consultations about a candidate for judicial office must

be specific and subject to disclosure to the candidate”. This should go a long way in ensuring that principles of natural justice and fair play are not jettisoned in the appointment process, which is not an uncommon phenomenon.

1. What, according to the passage should go a long way in judicial appointments?
1) Decision that all sections of the society are represented.
2) Candidate’s qualifications and seniority are considered.
3) Candidate must know the charge of professional misconduct leveled against him.
4) There should be strong reason for discrimination.
5) None of these

2. According to the passage, there has been a demand for a National Judicial Commission to
1) clear the backing of court cases.
2) make judiciary see eye to eye with executive.
3) wipe out corruption at the highest places.
4) make the appointment process of judges more broad-based and clear.
5) Safeguard the interest of natural justice and fair play in judicial pronouncement.

3. Which of the following could be in the author's mind when he says ‘in the light of our previous experience’?

1) Not having enough judges from backward communities.
2) Interference of the executive in the appointment of judges.
3) Professional misconduct of judges.
4) Delay that occurred in the judicial appointments.
5) None of these

4. The role and procedure of the National Commission must be spelt out clearly
1) because executive wing will depend on it heavily.
2) because judges -will take judicial decisions on the basis of it. '
3) it will be represented by a cross-section of the society. -
4) it will bring a qualitative change in the interpretation of law.
5) None of these

5. What has been the subject of lively debate in England?
1) Role of judiciary in free and democratic nations
2) Appointment of judicial commission
3] Seniority as the basis of appointment of judges
4) Appointment of judicial posts
5) None of these

6. What, according to the author, is the typical characteristic of an independent democratic country? _
1) Objective process of judicial appointments.
2) Supreme Court's advisory opinion on legal matters.
3) Responsible, free and fair judiciary.
4) Lively and frank debate in the society on the role of judiciary.
5) None of these

7. Which, according to the passage, is not an uncommon phenomenon?
l) An independent and upright judiciary
2) Delays taking place in legal pronouncements
3) Justice being denied to poor people
4) Partiality and subjectivity in judicial appointments
5) None of these

8. Which of the following words is SIMILAR in meaning as the word jettison as used in the passage?
1) sacrifice                          
2) accept        
3) modify
4) destroy    
5) advocate

9. Which of the following forms part of what the Lord Chancellor has said?
1) Appointments to judicial posts must take into consideration the aspirations of the weaker sections of the society.
2) Vacancies in the judiciary must not remain unfilled.
3) Merit should be the sole criterion for judicial appointments.
4) Selective discrimination may be preached and also practised.
5) None of these

10. Which of the following according to the author is the most welcome thing?
1) The negligible role to be played by the executive in the appointment of judges.
2) Coordinating role played by the executive in the appointment of judges
3) The appointment of judges from the ethnic minority classes
4) Appointment of judges purely on the basis of merit
5) None of these

1. (3)
2. (4)
3. (2)
4. (5)
5. (2)
6. (3)
7. (4)
8. (1)
9. (3)
10. (1)

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