Directions (Q. 1-14): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Man does not live by bread alone: he needs intellectual stimulus as well as spiritual ballast. Religions form the basis of ethical life. Without a sense of morality, social life becomes tenuous instead of being cohesive: political life crumbles under the weight of dishonesty, deceit, and corruption. Dr Carl Jung, the famous Zurich psychologist, wrote: “During the past 30 years, people from all civilized countries have consulted me. Among all my patients over thirty- five, there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life, and none of them has been really healed who did not regain his religious outlook.” Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) went one step further and declared: “The mainspring of strength of every race lies in its spirituality and the death of the race begins the day that spirituality wanes and materialism gains ground.”

The question, however, arises: What kind of religion do we require? A religion that fosterslove and lets peace and goodwill prevail on earth or a religion that is intolerant and puts back the clock of progress? Do we require a universal Religion or do we need harmony of all religions ? It would be unrealistic to think of a universal Religion, which is a Syntheticproduct of elements taken from all the world’s great religions. what the world needs today is the ‘soothing comfort ’ of religion, the different religions retaining their identity and their followers pursuing their different paths with an absolute sense of freedom. Inter-faith harmony and the consciousness of the essential unity of all religions are the sine qua non for a better world order.

1. Having a sense of morality
(1) makes one more intellectual
(2) makes one more acceptable in the society
(3) makes one unsuitable in the political field
(4) makes one dishonest in public life
(5) gives one an edge over others

2. What do you understand by the statement “Man does not live by bread alone: he needs intellectual stimulus as well as spiritual ballast”?
(1) Man cannot survive without intellectual stimulus.
(2) Spiritualism is essential for physical for the survival of man.
(3) Bread may be essential for physical development of man but the dose of intellect and spiritualism is necessary for the growth of his soul.
(4) Man can survive without bread also.
(5) None of these

3. What does the observation of Dr Carl Jung suggest?
(1) People below the age of thirty- five have little sense of religion.
(2) Religion finds little acceptance in the civilized countries.
(3) All religions lead to a single path.
(4) Having a religious outlook on life makes one mentally sound.
(5) None of these.

4. Why does the author not support the idea of universal religion?
(1) It will look like an artificial combination of different religions.
(2) It will spread intolerance among different religious sects.
(3) It will need a redefining of various religions.
(4) In such a case people will get confused.
(5) None of these.

5. How can inter-faith harmony be created in the world?
(1) by merging all the religions into a single body
(2) by delivering lectures on the finer aspects of every religion
(3) by making the world free of religions
(4) by having universal religion
(5) None of these

6. Which of the following is true in context of the passage?
(1) An idea of world religion can bear positive fruit.
(2) Immorality breeds corruption.
(3) In the present context religions are mixed with politics.
(4) Various religions are based on contradictory thinking
(5) None of these

7. According to Swami Vivekananda, Which of the following is true?
(1) Spiritualism is the lifeblood of any race.
(2) Materialism is not acceptable in any society.
(3) Man cannot live by materialism.
(4) Spiritualism is opposed to materialism
(5) None of these.

8. What is the central theme of this passage?
(1) No place for materialism in our society
(2) Man and culture
(3) Religion for harmony
(4) Adherence to morality
(5) Duties of a man

Directions (Q.9-11): Choose the word which is same in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.

(1) foundation  
(2) lesson
(3) awakening  
(4) blending
(5) devotion

(1) anarchy   
(2) plunder
(3) corruption  
(4) disbelief
(5) emotional

(1) sentimental  
(2) artificial
(3) philosophical  
(4) natural
(5) emotional

For (Q. 12-14): Choose the word which is opposite in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the passage.

(1) weak  
(2) distinct
(3) depart  
(4) fragmented
(5) boring

(1) increases 
(2) fades
(3) gains  
(4) appears
(5) emerges

(1) empowers 
(2) bans
(3) discourages 
(4) risks
(5) ignores

1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 2
5. 2
6. 2
7. 1
8. 3
9. 1
10. 4
11. 2
12. 1
13. 1
14. 3
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