English Vocab

Unity in defeat: SP-BSP ties after Rajya Sabha polls
Far from driving them apart, the Rajya Sabha polls have brought the SP and the BSP closer.
Elections to the Rajya Sabha would have been dull, predictable affairs if not for stories of intrigue (the secret planning of something illicit or detrimental to someone) and betrayal. In this round of biennial elections to the Upper House of Parliament, the element of drama was provided by the 10th seat from Uttar Pradesh, eventually won by the Bharatiya Janata Party over the BahujanSamaj Party through a combination of cross-voting
and last-minute switch of loyalties. BSP legislator Anil Kumar Singh was open about his rebellion, and his support for the BJP candidate. Independent member RaghurajPratap Singh, who is close to the SP, helped the BJP’s cause too. The battle for the 10th seat, which the BJP could not have won on its own, supposedly held long-termimplications (the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated) for the political churn that U.P. is now witnessing. The BJP saw it as a test of the new bonding between the SP and the BSP, which won for the SP two Lok Sabha by-elections recently. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath sought to paint the result less as a satisfying win for his party and more as a disturbing result for the BSP, saying the SP took votes from others but did not return them. More than getting an additional seat, the BJP was hoping that the outcome would sow the seeds (to cause (an idea, feeling, etc.) to be in someone's mind) of distrust between the SP and the BSP. Although clearly unhappy with the defeat, BSP leader Mayawati was unwilling to let itjeopardise (put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure) the nascent ((especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential)understanding with the SP, and said the loss would not affect her party’s growingproximity (nearness in space, time, or relationship) to the SP. Indeed, she saw it as a consequence of what she claimed was the BJP’s strategy to drive a wedge between the two parties. Instead of driving them apart, the result seems to have brought the SP and the BSP closer.
Despite its success in the polls in U.P., the BJP is no closer to undermining (lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously) the opposition in the Rajya Sabha. The Telugu Desam Party has quickly made the transition from adisenchanted (disappointed by someone or something previously respected or admired; disillusioned) ally to a fierce (having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness) opponent. The Telangana RashtraSamiti, even while trying to maintain good equations between its government and the Centre, is working towards a federal front opposed to both the Congress and the BJP. The 29 seats (out of 58) that the BJP won in this round will not alter the balance in the Rajya Sabha, at least not immediately. If in U.P. the election brought two opposition parties closer, in West Bengal it created more differences between the Left and the Congress. The Trinamool Congress’s support may have been for Abhishek Manu Singhvi as an individual, and not for his party, the Congress, but the net effect was that the Left was unhappy with the Congress and its candidate. The elections to the Rajya Sabha are not a reflection of the strengths of the parties on the ground, but they can alter political equations and have a bearing on (to be relevant/not relevant to something, or to have an influence/no influence on it)direct elections in the near future.
Courtesy-The Hindu (Polity)
1. Intrigue (noun): (The secret planning of something illicit or detrimental to someone.) (साज़िश, कुचक्र)
Synonyms: Scheme, Stratagem, Secret Planning, Double Dealing, Conspiracy, Machination
Antonyms: Righteousness, Honesty, Reliability, Morality, Probity, Rectitude
Example: When the robbers took the money from the bank using a simple computer program, their actions revealed a clever financial intrigue.
Verb forms: Intrigue, Intrigued, Intrigued
Related words: Intrigue (verb) Intriguer (noun) Intriguingly (adverb)
2. Implications (noun) : (The conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.) (नतीजा, किसी क्रिया या घटना का एक परिणाम)
Synonyms: Consequence, Outcome, Ramification, Repercussion
Antonyms: Explicit Statement
Example: Cheryl’s hiding of her report card gave me the implication she had failed at least one of her classes.
Related words: Implicatively (adverb) Implicativeness (noun) Implicative (adjective)
3. Sow the seeds of (phrase) : (To cause (an idea, feeling, etc.) to be in someone's mind), (किसी के दिमाग में (एक विचार, भावना, आदि) पैदा करना)
Synonyms: Trigger, Initiate, Activate, Arouse, Beget, Bring Into Existence
Antonyms: Abolish, Demulce, Quench, Subdue
Example: Opponents have succeeded in sowing the seeds of doubt in our team.
4. Jeopardise (verb) : (Put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.) (ख़तरे में डालना, आपत्ति में डालना)
Synonyms: Threaten, Expose To Risk, Endanger, Menace, Imperil
Antonyms: Shelter, Protect, Safeguard, Conserve
Example: Since I do not want to jeopardise my employment, I always complete my daily goals.
Verb forms: Jeopardise, Jeopardised, Jeopardised
5. Nascent (adjective) : ((Especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential) (बढ़ने वाला, उत्पन्न होनेवाला, प्रारंभिक अवस्था में स्थित)
Synonyms: Coming to Exist, Incipient, Budding, Emerging, Embryonic, Inchoate
Antonyms: Terminal, Mature, Developed, Sublime
Example: Although our nonprofit organization is nascent, we have already raised over a half a million dollars in four months.
Related words: Nascence, Nascency (noun)
6. Proximity (noun): (Nearness in space, time, or relationship) (निकटता, सामीप्य)
Synonyms: Closeness, Nearness, Adjacency, Vicinity, Propinquity
Antonyms: Isolation, Detachment, Expanse, Remoteness
Example: Because Mary left her sandwich in close proximity to her dog, she did not have anything for lunch.
7. Undermine (verb) : (Lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.) (धीरे-धीरे प्रभावशीलता, शक्ति या क्षमता को कम करना, गुप्त रूप से हानि पहुंचाना)
Synonyms: Weaken, Diminish, Reduce, Subvert, Sabotage, Enfeeble
Antonyms: Strengthen, Reinforce, Bolster, Invigorate, Encourage
Example: When engineers came to examine the cracks in the structure of the building, they discovered that years of flooding had worked to undermine the foundation.
Verb forms: Undermine, Undermined, Undermined
Related words: Underminer (noun) Underminingly (adverb)
8. Disenchanted (adjective) : (Disappointed by someone or something previously respected or admired; disillusioned.) (मोहभंग)
Synonyms: Disappointed, Disillusioned, Fed Up, Dissatisfied
Antonyms: Enchanted, Entranced, Fascinated, Mesmerized
Example: My ex-husband’s cheating left me deeply disenchanted.
Verb forms: Disenchant, Disenchanted, Disenchanted
Related words: Disenchant (verb) Disenchanter (noun) Disenchantingly (adverb)
9. Fierce (adjective) : (Having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.) (भयंकर, उग्र, प्रचण्ड)
Synonyms: Strong, Powerful, Aggressive, Ferocious, Savage, Vicious
Antonyms: Gentle, Tame, Mild, Peaceful, Pacifist, Nonviolent, Meek
Example: Although the Nazis were fierce fighters, they couldn’t withstand the Russian winter.
Related words: Fiercely (adverb) Fierceness (noun)
10. Have a bearing on (idiom) : (To be relevant/not relevant to something, or to have an influence/no influence on it) (प्रासंगिक होना/ या न होना या प्रभाव  होना/ या न होना)
Synonyms: Relevance, Significance, Importance, Connection, Relation
Antonyms: Irrelevance, Inapplicability, Insignificance
Example: Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on your general health.
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