English Vocab

After The Emergency: Repairing Ties With Maldives
Repairing ties with the Maldives will test Indian diplomacy.
The Maldivian government’s decision to lift the state of emergency after 45 days, just ahead of the expiry of its second self-imposed deadline, comes as cold comfort (Something that has failed as an intended source of solace) for those concerned about the turn of events in the islands over the past couple of months. In a statement India said the withdrawal of the emergency is but “one step”, and much more must be done to restore democracy in the Maldives. The opposition, mostly in exile (the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons)and led by former President
Mohamad Nasheed, says the emergency was lifted only because President Abdulla Yameen has established total control over the judiciary and parliament since the February 1 court verdict that cancelled the sentencing of 12 opposition leaders and ordered their release. In a dramatic turn of events Mr. Yameen had then ordered the arrest of two judges, as well as hundreds of activists and politicians including former President Abdul Gayoom, and imposed a state of emergency. The remaining judges overturned the February 1 release order, under what is seen to be coercion (the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats) by the security forces, which had locked down (a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure) the Majlis (parliament) and court buildings. Therefore, lifting the emergency does not automatically amount to status quo ante.
Repairing India-Maldives ties, that have taken an equally sharp dip since February 1, will be a tall order (a request that is difficult to fulfill). Male has reacted sharply to India’s public statements on the emergency, as well as now to the statement welcoming the lifting of the emergency, saying that the events of the past couple of months were “internal political matters”, and India’s statements of disapproval were “not helpful at all”. The pushback from the Yameen government is in stark (severe or bare in appearance or outline) contrast to its desire over the past few years to work with India, and it isn’t hard to see why. Bolstered (to make something stronger or bolder/support or strengthen) by a close relationship with China, Mr. Yameen has in a matter of months gone from declaring an ‘India first’ policy to disregarding its concerns. With military exchanges, a free trade agreement with China and a slew (a large number or quantity of something (Noun)/turn or slide violently or uncontrollably) of Chinese infrastructure investments in place, the Yameen government clearly considers itself sufficiently insulated (protect (someone or something) from unpleasant influences or experiences./protect (something) by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound) from any counter-moves by India or the U.S. During the current crisis, China placed its diplomatic might behind Mr. Yameen, and even offered to broker talks between the government and the opposition, a role that India would have been naturally expected to play in the past. It is important to note that a military intervention by India was never a possibility, and comparisons made to India’s actions in 1988 are pointless. India has been wise to keep its counsel and not over-react to the recent events. But going ahead, its challenge is tougher: to demonstrate its relevance to the Maldives as the biggest power in the South Asian region, while helping steer (guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, aircraft or a person)) Mr. Yameen to a more reasonable and inclusive democratic course ahead of the presidential election later this year.

1. Cold comfort (phrase) : (Something that has failed as an intended source of solace) (झूठी तसल्ली)
Synonyms: Inadequate Comfort, False Relief, Limited Sympathy, Discontent
Antonyms: Adequate Consolation, Cheer Up, Solace
Example: The good news about the economy is cold comfort to people who have lost their jobs.
2. Exile (noun) : (The state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons) (निर्वासन)
Synonyms: Banishment, Expulsion, Expatriation, Deportation, Eviction
Antonyms: Return, Arrive Back, Admittance
Example: The military leader was forced into exile and spent his final days on a small island.
Verb forms: Exile, Exiled, Exiled
Related words: Exile (verb) Exilic (adjective)
3. Coercion (noun) : (The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats) (जबरदस्ती)
Synonyms: Force, Compulsion, Constraint, Duress, Oppression, Enforcement
Antonyms: Encouragement, Urging, Prompting, Persuasion
Example: As the students argued, the teacher tried to coerce them into silence with the threat of a detention.
Verb forms: Coerce, Coerced, Coerced
Related words: Coercionary (adjective)
4. Lockdown (noun) : (A state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure) (लोगों को किसी भवन से जाने या प्रवेश करने से रोकने के लिए एक आपातकाल के दौरान लिया गया सुरक्षा उपाय)
Synonyms: Solitary Confinement, Segregation, Isolation
Antonyms: Integration, Amalgamation, Reunion, Coalescence
Example: The school went on lockdown when a student brought a pellet gun to campus.
5. A Tall order (phrase) : (A request that is difficult to fulfill) (अनुचित मांग)
Synonyms: Unreasonable, Awkward, Contrary, Difficult, Tiresome, Annoying
Antonyms: Convenient, Reasonable, Prudent, Logical
Example: To score four goals in one game is a tall order, even for Ronaldo.
6. Stark (adjective) : (Severe or bare in appearance or outline) (बिलकुल, पूर्ण रूप से)
Synonyms: Clear, Simple, Crisp, Distinct, Obvious, Evident, Clear, Clear-Cut, Straightforward
Antonyms: Fuzzy, Indistinct, Pleasant, Comfortable, Ornate
Example: With only a small red dot on a white canvas, the painting looked quite stark.
Related words: Starkly (adverb) Starkness (noun)
7. Bolstered (adjective) : (To make something stronger or bolder/support or strengthen) (सहारा देना या मजबूत करना)
Synonyms: Strengthen, Support, Reinforce, Make Stronger, Boost, Fortify
Antonyms: Undermine, Subvert, Sabotage, Threaten, Weaken
Example: If I want to feel better about myself, I need to bolster my self-esteem.
Verb forms: Bolster, Bolstered, Bolstered 
Related words: Bolsterer (noun) Bolster (verb)
8. Slew (noun) : (A large number or quantity of something (Noun)/turn or slide violently or uncontrollably) (ढेर सारा)
Synonyms: Large Number, Great, High
Antonyms: Little, Few, Negligible
Example: We still have a slew of work to do on this project.
Verb forms: Slew, Slewed, Slewed
Related words: Slew (verb)
9. Insulate (verb) : (Protect (someone or something) from unpleasant influences or experiences./protect (something) by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound) (बचाना या सुरक्षित करना)
Synonyms: Protect, Keep Safe, Save, Safeguard, Shield, Defend, Shelter
Antonyms: Uncover, Destroy, Demolish, Annihilate, Eradicate
Example: The company has tried to insulate itself from the region's political turmoil.
Verb forms: Insulate, Insulated, Insulated
Related words: Insulation, Insulator (noun)
10. Steer (verb) : (Guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, aircraft or a person)) (मार्गदर्शन करना)
Synonyms: Guide, Direct, Manoeuvre, Govern, Escort
Antonyms: Follow, Trail, Pursue, Chase
Example: Appalled that his son wanted to be a backup dancer, the surgeon vowed tosteer him towards a different career choice.
Verb forms: Steer, Steered, Steered
Related words: idiom:- ‘steer clear of’ (to stay away from purposely; avoid)
Steerable (adjective) Steerability (noun)
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