Synonyms: Rewarding, Profitable, Lucrative, Bankable, Worthwhile
Antonyms: Unpaid, Unfavourable, Unprofitable, Disadvantageous
Example: Because Ann really loves money, she will not date a man unless he has aremunerative job
2. Fallibility (noun): The tendency to make mistakes or be wrong. ( त्रुटिपूर्ण, अशुद्ध)
Synonyms: Errancy, Imperfection, Fault , Unreliable
Antonyms: Perfect, Reliable, Unerring, Correct
Example: The crime-solving techniques of a couple of decades ago were much morefallible than today’s methods.
3. Indebted (adjective): Grateful to someone because of help that person has given you: (ऋणी होना, आभारी होना, कर्जदार)
Synonyms: Obliged, Beholden, Grateful, Gratitude
Antonyms: Critical, Overlook, Disregard
Example: I will be for ever indebted to people in those roles who encouraged me and who have taken an interest in improving my life.
4. Subvention (noun) : The provision of assistance or financial support( by govt. or company) (आर्थिक सहायता)
Synonyms: Grant, Annuity, Assistance, , Endowment, Appropriation
Example: The association is funded by an annual subvention from the government.
5. Cumulative (adjective): Increasing by one addition after another: ( संचयी, इकठ्ठाहोनेवाला)
Synonyms: Accumulative, Additive, Conglomerative, Incremental
Antonyms: Regressive, Decrement, Retrograding, Receding
Example: Skin cancer can becaused by the cumulative effect of years of exposure to the sun.
6. Waiver (noun) : An agreement that you do not have to pay or obey something: (छूट,त्याग)
Synonyms: Relinquishment, Renunciation, Disclaimer, Forswear, Remission, Abdication
Antonyms: Approval, Agreement, Permission, Allowance
Example: The college got a special waiver from the municipality to exceed the building height limit.
7. Augmentation (noun): The action or process of making or becoming greater in size or amount. (वृद्धि, बढ़त)
Synonyms: Accretion, Increment, , Addendum, Proliferation
Antonyms: Abatement , Diminution , Decrement, Demotion
Example: For the augmentation of attendance at basketball games, the league is giving away free tickets each month.
8. Sluggish (adjective) : Moving, acting, or working with less than usual speed or energy: (सुस्त, मंदगति)
Synonyms: Dallying, Dawdling Creeping, Languid,Tardy.
Antonyms: Expeditious, Active, Vivacious, Kinetic
Example: After staying up all night, the tired teenager was sluggish when morning arrived..
9. Rebate (noun): Money that is returned to you after you pay for goods or services.(बट्टा, घटौती, छूट)
Synonyms: Discount, Deduction, Refund, Abatement , Concession
Antonyms: Surcharge, Escalation, Increase
Example: You will be entitled to a 20 per cent rebate off each standard fare.
10. Harbour (verb): Keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly. (मन में रखे रहना)
Synonyms: Bear, Cherish, Nurse, Hold
Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect, Overlook, Forsake
Example : He still harbours deep feelings of resentment toward his former employer, who high- handedly fired him without cause
Related forms: Harbour, Harboured, Harboured