Raghuram Rajan’s suggestions on preventing a financial crisis must be heeded
Former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan’s note of caution(सतर्कता/चेतावनी) on the next financial crisis(संकटकाल) that could be building up needs to be taken in all seriousness(गंभीरता/
अहमियत). In his note to Parliament’s Estimates Committee on bank non-performing assets (NPAs), Mr. Rajan has flagged three major sources of potential(संभावित) trouble(परेशानी): Mudra credit, which is basically(अधिकांश/मूल रूप से) small-ticket loans granted to micro and small enterprises; lending(उधार) to farmers through Kisan Credit Cards; and contingent liabilities under the Credit Guarantee Scheme for MSMEs, run by the Small Industries Development Bank of India. The disbursement (भुगतान/वितरण)under Mudra loans alone is ₹6.37 lakh crore, which is over 7% of the total outstanding bank credit. These loans have been sanctioned(स्वीकृत/अधिकृत करना) under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana, which aims to ‘fund the unfunded’, and is a signature scheme of the NDA government. Given that these are small loans up to ₹10 lakh each, with the borrowers(उधारकर्ताओं) mostly from the informal sector, banks have to monitor them very closely. It is debatable(विवादास्पद/संदेहयुक्त) whether banks have the resources(संसाधन) and manpower to do this when they are chasing the bigger borrowers for business and, increasingly(तेजी से/वृद्धि से) these days,recoveries(वसूलियां). The risk is that these small-ticket loans will drop under the radar and build into a large credit issue in course of time. The same logic holds true for crop loans made through Kisan Credit Cards.Former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan’s note of caution(सतर्कता/चेतावनी) on the next financial crisis(संकटकाल) that could be building up needs to be taken in all seriousness(गंभीरता/
Mr. Rajan’s advice on loan waivers has been made by him and others in the past. But the political class has chosen to turn a deaf ear to this advice, vitiating(बिगाड़ना/हानि पहुंचाना) the credit culture and creating a moral(नैतिक ) hazard(जोखिम) where farmer-borrowers assume(कल्पना करना/मान लेना) that their loans will invariably(बेबदलता से/स्थिरता से) be waived off. The former RBI Governor has strongly defended the RBI against criticism(आलोचना/समीक्षा), often unfair, over its policies on NPA recognition(मान्यता/पहचान) and resolution. He rightly termed as “ludicrous(ऊटपटांग /निस्सार)” the allegations(आरोपों/अभिकथन) that the economy slowed down because of the RBI. Recognition is the first step in a clean-up, and unless banks are cleaned of their non-performing loans, they cannot make fresh loans. The Central government should also take note of some forward-looking statements that Mr. Rajan has made on the governance of banks. Among his suggestions to avert(रोक देना/टालना) a recurrence(पुनरावृत्ति) of the current mess are, professionalising(व्यवसायीकरण) bank boards with appointments done by an independent Banks Board Bureau; inducting(शामिल करना) talent from outside banks to make up for the deficit within; revising(संशोधन) compensation(मुआवजा) structures( संरचनाओं) to attract the best talent; and ensuring(सुनिश्चित) that banks are not left without a leader at the top. It is a comment on the state of our polity that despite the important issues that Mr. Rajan raised, political parties have chosen to pick only the points that are convenient(सुविधाजनक/आसान) to them — about the period when these bad loans were made and the purported(कथित/दावा करना ) inaction(निष्क्रियता/आलस्य) over a list of high-profile fraud cases highlighted by him.
Important Vocabulary
Synonyms: attention, care, discretion, foresight, prudence,
Antonyms: carelessness, disregard, ignorance, indiscretion, neglect
Synonyms: attention, care, discretion, foresight, prudence,
Antonyms: carelessness, disregard, ignorance, indiscretion, neglect
Synonyms: anxiety, oncern, danger, difficulty, dilemma
Antonyms: benefit, calm, calmness, contentment, ease
Synonyms: anxiety, oncern, danger, difficulty, dilemma
Antonyms: benefit, calm, calmness, contentment, ease
3.Disbursement (भुगतान/वितरण)
Synonyms:expenditure, outlay, spending, cost, disposal
Antonyms: deposit, hoard, savings
Synonyms:expenditure, outlay, spending, cost, disposal
Antonyms: deposit, hoard, savings
4.Sanctioned(स्वीकृत/अधिकृत करना)
Synonyms: accepted, allowed, approved, licensed, permitted
Antonyms: refused
Synonyms: accepted, allowed, approved, licensed, permitted
Antonyms: refused
Synonyms: bum, panhandler, vagabond, asker, borrower
Synonyms: bum, panhandler, vagabond, asker, borrower
6.Disbursement (भुगतान/वितरण
Synonyms: expenditure, outlay, spending, cost, disposal
Antonyms: deposit, hoard, savings
Synonyms: expenditure, outlay, spending, cost, disposal
Antonyms: deposit, hoard, savings
Synonyms; arguable, doubtful, dubious, moot, problematic
Antonyms: certain, clear, decided, definite, proven
Synonyms; arguable, doubtful, dubious, moot, problematic
Antonyms: certain, clear, decided, definite, proven
8.Vitiating(बिगाड़ना/हानि पहुंचाना)
Synonyms: annihilate, negate, quash, abate, abolish
Antonyms: allow, help, permit, affirm, approve
Synonyms: annihilate, negate, quash, abate, abolish
Antonyms: allow, help, permit, affirm, approve
Synonyms: assessment, comment, critique, judgment, opinion
Antonyms: heedlessness, neglect, approval, compliment, estimation
Synonyms: assessment, comment, critique, judgment, opinion
Antonyms: heedlessness, neglect, approval, compliment, estimation
10.Avert(रोक देना/टालना)
Synonyms:avoid, deter, fend off, foil, forestall
Antonyms: aid, allow, assist, help, support
Synonyms:avoid, deter, fend off, foil, forestall
Antonyms: aid, allow, assist, help, support
Synonyms; acceptable, advantageous, agreeable, available, beneficial
Antonyms: bad, disadvantageous, disagreeable, harmful, hindering
Synonyms; acceptable, advantageous, agreeable, available, beneficial
Antonyms: bad, disadvantageous, disagreeable, harmful, hindering
Synonyms:acceptable, advantageous, agreeable, available, beneficial
Antonyms: bad, disadvantageous, disagreeable, harmful, hindering
Synonyms:acceptable, advantageous, agreeable, available, beneficial
Antonyms: bad, disadvantageous, disagreeable, harmful, hindering
13.Ludicrous(ऊटपटांग /निस्सार)
Synonyms:bizarre, comical, crazy, fantastic, farcical
Antonyms: bizarre, comical, crazy, fantastic, farcical
Synonyms:bizarre, comical, crazy, fantastic, farcical
Antonyms: bizarre, comical, crazy, fantastic, farcical