English Vocab

1. Hearse (noun): Support for burial. (शववाहन)
Synonyms: Catafalque, Coffin, Funeral Coach, Dragster, Dead Wagon.
Antonyms:  Uncoffin, Unearth, Cremate.
Example: Police cars with flashing sirens led the hearse that carried the coffin to the cemetery.
2. Enigmatic (adjective): Full of mystery and difficult to understand. (रहस्यपूर्ण)
Synonyms: Ambiguous, Cryptic, Obscure, Abstruse, Baffling, 
Antonyms: Explicit, Clear, Obvious.
Example: After I did a little research, the subject of metaphysics was no longer so enigmatic to me.
3. Outflanked (verb): To cleverly get an advantage over someone, especially over an enemy. (चतुरता में मातदेना)
Synonyms: Outwit, Outshine, Outdo, Circumvent, Bypass.
Antonyms: Aid, Fall Behind, Lose.
Example: On Monday, several hundred Protestants tried to outflank riot police.
4. Quintessential (adjective): Being the most typical example of something. (सर्वोत्कृष्ट)
Synonyms: Ultimate, Ideal, Archetypical, Classic, Exemplary.
Antonyms: Inferior, Average, Normal.
Example: Everyone knows watermelon is the quintessential fruit on a hot summer day.
5. Elude (verb): To avoid something or someone. (टालना)
Synonyms: Evade, Dodge, Thwart. Avoid
Antonyms: Confront, Face, Aid.
Example: The criminal was able to elude the police in the crowded mall.
6. Puritanical (adjective): Practicing very strict moral or religious behavior. (नैतिकतावादी)
Synonyms: Prudish, Rigid, Ascetic, Abstinent, Disciplined, Bluenosed
Antonyms: Degenerate, Debauched, Liberated.
Example: Because I tend to be puritanical in my beliefs, I do not drink alcohol.
7. Depredations (noun): Damage or destruction. (विनाश)
Synonyms: Devastation, Destruction Despoliation, Plunder.
Antonyms: Boon, Construction, Goodness, Miracle.
Example: The hurricane left much depredation in the city.
8. Detractors (noun): A critic usually freely skeptical of something. (आलोचक)
Synonyms: Derogator, Critic, Censor. Defamer, Depreciator
Antonyms: Admirer, Benefactors, Supporters.
Example: Once the controversial movie was released into theaters, a detractor verbally disapproved in the local newspaper of its success.
9. Nudge (noun): A slight shove or bump from someone or something. (टहोका मारना)
Synonyms: Jab, Push, Poke, Prod, Badger, Dig, Elbow.
Antonyms: Dissuade, Pull, Repress.
Example: When the light turned green, the driver in the car behind me decided nudge my car just because I didn’t take off immediately.
10. Dogmatism (noun): To strongly state unsupported opinions or beliefs as if they were absolute facts. (स्वमताभिमान)
Synonyms: Bigotry, Intolerance, Obstinacy. Fanaticism, Bias, Narrow-Mindedness.
Antonyms: Cooperation, Concurrence, Assistance.
Example: The preacher was a dogmatic individual who was quick to argue with anyone who challenged his opinion.
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