1. Ordain (verb ) To officially make someone a priest or other religious leader, in a religious ceremony: (विधिवत् पादरी बनाना, नियुक्त करना)
Synonyms: Appoint, Consecrate, Enact, Anoint,
Antonyms: Dismiss, Expel, Revoke
Example: He was ordained (as) a priest in Ely cathedral in 1987.
Related: Ordained , Ordained
2. Prerogative (adj) A right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class (विशेषाधिकार, खास हक)
Synonyms: Perquisite, Privilege, Entitlement, Advantage
Antonyms: Duty, Obligation
Example: Since he was a senior member of the golf club, Allan had the prerogative to reject new member applications
3. Proscribe (verb) Forbid, especially by law. (मनाही करना)
Synonyms: Ban, Injunction, Forbid, Interdict, Prohibit
Antonyms: Allow, Let, Permit
Example: In our country, there are laws which proscribe discrimination based on race and gender
Related: Proscribed, Proscribed
4. Ecclesiastical (adj) Relating to the Christian Church or its clergy. (गिरजाघर या पादरी संबंधी)
Synonyms: Pontifical, , Apostolic, Priestly, Clerical
Antonyms: Profane, Secular, Non-Sectarian
Example: While preparing for service, the Reverend donned his ecclesiastical robes
5. Susceptible (adj). Easily influenced or harmed by something: (अतिसंवेदनशील, आसानी से प्रभावित होने वाला)
Synonyms : Vulnerable, Prone, Disposed, Sensitive
Antonyms : Resistant, Immune, Protected, Guarded
Example: He’s very susceptible to colds.
6. Celibacy (adj)) The state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations. (ब्रह्मचर्य, अविवाहित जीवन)
Synonyms: Chastity, Virginity, Abstinence, Asceticism
Antonyms: Lechery , Promiscuousness , Licentiousness, Libidinousness
Example: A widower has maintained absolute celibacy since the death of his wife
7. Precinct (noun) The area within the walls or perceived boundaries of a particular building or place. (अड़ोस-पड़ोस, अहाता)
Synonyms: Purlieus, Vicinity, Surrounding, Confines
Antonyms: Distance, Remoteness, Faraway
Example : A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp.
8. Muddle (verb). bring into a disordered or confusing state ( अव्यवस्थित करना, घालमेल कर देना)
Synonyms : Chaos, Dishevelment, Imbroglio, Clutter
Antonyms : Order, Orderliness
Example : they were muddling up the cards
9. Perpetuate (verb) Make (something) continue indefinitely. (बनाए रखना, जारी रखना)
Synonyms : Eternalize, Immortalize, Maintain, Preserve
Antonyms: Extinguish, Cease, Halt, Stop
Example: We must not perpetuate the religious divisions of the past.
Related: perpetuated, perpetuated
10. Pernicious (adj) Having a very harmful effect or influence (हानिकारक, घातक)
Synonyms: Noxious, Pestilent, Deleterious, Detrimental
Antonyms: Beneficial, Innocuous, Benign
Example: The pernicious fire burned down most of the houses in our subdivision.