Synonyms: Omnipresent, Pervasive, Common, Quotidian, Universal
Antonyms: Rare, Infrequent, Sporadic
Example: The mobile phone has become ubiquitous.
2. Spurious (adj): False or fake. (जाली, नक़ली)
Synonyms: Bogus, Counterfeit, Specious, Sham
Antonyms: Authentic, Bona Fide, Genuine, Real, Unfaked
Example: Because they want to attract readers, many bloggers often make up spurious headlines.
3. Impertinence (noun): Rude and not showing respect. (अशिष्टता, ढीठपन)
Synonyms: Impudence, Insolence, Rudeness Incivility
Antonyms: Politeness, Humility, Courtesy
Example : He was punished for his impertinence.
4. Belligerent (adj): Hostile and aggressive. (युद्धरत, लड़ाकू)
Synonyms: Pugnacious, Truculent, Bellicose, Cantankerous
Antonyms: Pacific, Friendly, Affable, Amicable
Example: The player became quite belligerent and was thrown out of the game.
5. Disarray (noun): A state of disorganization or untidiness. (अव्यवस्था)
Synonyms: Hysteria, Confusion, Disorder, Chaos, Clutter
Antonyms: Order, Arrangement, Classify, Organise
Example: The nation is in disarray following rioting.
6. Sedition (noun): Language or behaviour that is intended to persuade other people to oppose their government. (राज - द्रोह)
Synonyms: Insurrection, Insurgency, Mutiny, Rebellion
Antonyms: Obedience, Submission,
Example: The leaders of the group have been arrested and charged with sedition.
7. Timid (adj): Easily frightened. (आसानी से डरनेवाला)
Synonyms: Timorous, Diffident, Demure, Pusillanimous
Antonyms: Audacious, Bold, Brave, Undaunted
Example: A timid rabbit hopped cautiously out of the burrow.
8. Palpable (adj): Capable of being touched, felt, handled, or perceived. (स्पर्शनीय)
Synonyms: Tangible, Perceptible, Apparent, Discernible
Antonyms: Impalpable, Intangible
Example: The physician knew the patient had died when her pulse was no longer palpable.
9. Grumble (verb): Complain about something in a bad-tempered way. (असन्तोष दिखलाना, शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: Complain, Moan, Groan, Lament
Antonyms: Compliment, Accolade, Praise, Rejoice
Example: Fans grumbled about the team's poor play.
10. Snub (verb): To insult (someone) deliberately. (अनदेखा करके अपमानित करना)
Synonyms: Humiliate, Rebuff, Rebuke, Disdain
Antonyms: Acceptance, Embrace, Welcome
Example: She snubbed me in the hallway.
Related: Snubbed, Snubbed