1. To what temporary area can you store text and other data, and later paste them to another location ?
(1) The clipboard
(2) ROM
(3) CD-ROM
(4) The hard disk
(5) None of these
Ans : (1)-The clipboard
2. In a spreadsheet, a………is a number you will use in a calculation.
(1) label
(2) cell
(3) field
(4) value
(5) None of these
Ans : (4)-value
3. After slide-directed time, if you want to move ahead automatically, click in……check box in transition of this slide group in tab of animations—
(1) Transition timer
(2) Automatically opter
(3) Transition opter
(4) Automatic timer
(5) None of these
Ans : (2)-Automatically opter
4. All are included in removable media except the following—
(1) CD-ROMs
(2) Diskette
(3) DVDs
(4) High disk drive
(5) None of these
Ans : (4)-High disk drive
5. If you open some menu and then decide that you do not want to select some option, then click the menu title again or press the…… key to layout the menu.
(1) shift
(2) tab
(3) escape
(4) F1
(5) None of these
Ans : (3)- escape
6. Using the……process, it is easy to change the name of the file.
(1) transforming
(2) crash
(3) renaming
(4) retagging
(5) None of these
Ans : (3)-renaming
7. ………view shows that how will content on printed page, alongwith footer and margin header, appear.
(1) Draft
(2) Full screen reading
(3) Outline
(4) Page layout
(5) None of these
Ans : (4)-Page layout
8. Using………, the text can be entered and edited very efficiently.
(1) spreadsheet
(2) typewriter
(3) word processing programme
(4) desktop publishing programme
(5) None of these
Ans : (4)-desktop publishing programme
9. Other folders, named subfolders, can remain in the folders while creating hierarchical structure—
(1) Mini folder
(2) Teard folder
(3) Subfolders
(4) Object
(5) None of these
Ans : (3)-Subfolders
10. By using slide………, the characteristics of the fonts of all the slides in
presentation, can be changed.
(1) theme
(2) icon
(3) master
(4) style
(5) None of these
Ans : (2)-icon