1) Tottering (Verb) – डगमगानेवाला
Meaning: move in a feeble or unsteady way.
Synonyms: teeter, walk
unsteadily, stagger
Antonyms: stable, steady, strong
Usage: “a hunched figure tottering down the path”
2) Paramount (Adjective) – आला दर्जे का
Meaning: more important than anything else; supreme.
Synonyms: most important, of greatest importance, of
prime importance
Antonyms: least, last, inferior
Usage: “the interests of the child are of paramount importance”
3) Outlay (Noun) – परिव्यय
Meaning: an amount of money spent on something.
Synonyms: expenditure, expenses, spending
Antonyms: blessing, boon, income
Usage: “a modest outlay on local advertising”
4) Perilous (Adjective) – खतरनाक
Meaning: full of danger or risk.
Synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous
Antonyms: safe, secure
Usage: “a perilous journey south”
5) Detract (Verb) – घटाना
Meaning: diminish the worth or value of (a quality or
Synonyms: belittle, take away from, diminish
Antonyms: enhance
Usage: “these quibbles in no way detract from her achievement”
6) Concerted (Verb) – संयुक्त रूप से व्यवस्थित
Meaning: jointly arranged or carried out;
Synonyms: joint, united, jointly planned
Antonyms: separate, individual
Usage: “a concerted attempt to preserve religious unity”
7) Laggard (Noun) — सुस्त
Meaning: a person who makes slow progress and falls
behind others.
Synonyms: straggler, loiterer, lingerer
Antonyms: speedster, leader
Usage: “staff were under enormous pressure and there was no time for
8) Discernible (Adjective) – नमूदार
Meaning: able to be discerned; perceptible.
Synonyms: visible, detectable, noticeable
Antonyms: imperceptible
Usage: “the scandal had no discernible effect on his career”
9) Stark (Adjective) – रूपरेखा में गंभीर
Meaning: severe or bare in appearance or outline.
Synonyms: sharply delineated, sharp, sharply defined
Antonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, pleasant
Usage: “the ridge formed a stark silhouette against the sky”
10) Vetoing (Verb) – अस्वीकार करना
Meaning: exercise a veto against (a decision or
Synonyms: reject, turn down, throw out
Antonyms: approve, authorize
Usage: “the president vetoed the bill”