Q-(1-5) What approximate value will come in place of question mark (?) in the questions given below?
(1) 10
(2) 15
(3) 20
(4) 25
(5) 30
(2) 16.5% of 1399.21 + 114.78% of 1211 = ?
(1) 1540
(2) 1620
(3) 1710
(4) 1690
(5) 1500
(3) 18.08 × 11.898 + 22.922 × 14.94 = ?
(1) 450
(2) 480
(3) 510
(4) 560
(5) 590
(1) 540
(2) 630
(3) 710
(4) 820
(5) 750
(5) (2284.85 ÷ 4.985 + 17.126) ÷ 6.06 = ?
(1) 40
(2) 60
(3) 80
(4) 120
(5) 50
(6) Present ages of Sundari and Ayesha are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 11 : 9 respectively. What is Ayesha's present age in years?
सुंदरी और आयशा की वर्तमान आयु का अनुपात क्रमशः 5 : 4 है। तीन वर्षो बाद उनकी आयु का अनुपात क्रमशः 11 : 9 हो जायेगा। आयशा की वर्तमान आयु क्या है?
(1) 18
(2) 24
(3) 20
(4) 15
(5) 28
(7) A person buys orange at 7 for Rs. 15 and sells them at 12 for Rs. 20. What is his gain or loss percent?
एक व्यक्ति 15 रू. में 7 संतरे खरीदता है और उनको 20 रू. में 12 की दर से बेचता है। तो उसका लाभ या हानि प्रतिशत क्या है?
(1) 22.5%
(2) 27.5%
(3) 25%
(4) 32.5%
(5) 40%
(6) None of these
(8) In how many ways can the word 'EQUATION' be arranged so that vowels are always together?
शब्द 'EQUATION' के अक्षरों को कितने प्रकार से व्यवस्थित किया जा सकता है कि सभी स्वर एक साथ आयें?
(1) 2440
(2) 2880
(3) 1440
(4) 720
(5) None of these
(9) In an institute, the ratio of number of male to female is 8:5. If 20% male and 25% female are illiterate, what is the number of literate males, while number of literate females is 750 ?
एक संस्थान में पुरूष और महिला कर्मचारियों की संख्या का अनुपात 8 : 5 है। यदि 20% पुरूष और 25% महिलाएं निरक्षर है तो साक्षर पुरूषों की संख्या क्या है, जबकि साक्षर महिलाओं की संख्या 750 है?
(1) 1240
(2) 1320
(3) 1410
(4) 1280
(5) None of these
(10) A finishes
th of the work in 2z hours, B works twice as fast and finishes the remaining work. For how long did B work?
A किसी काम के
को 2z घंटे में समाप्त करता है, B दोगुनी तेजी से काम करते हुए शेष कार्य समाप्त कर देता है। B ने कितने समय तक काम किया?
(1) z/6 hours
(2) z/3 hours
(3) 3z hours
(4) z/2 hours
(5) 2z hours
Answer -
Q-(1) Sol-(3)
905 - ? 31 ÷ 0.035
= 20 (Approx)
Q-(2) Sol-(2)
= 1620 (Approx)
Q-(3) Sol-(4)
?= 18 × 12 + 23 × 15
= 216 + 345 = 561
= 560 (Approx)
Q-(4) Sol-(2)
= 630 (Approx)
Q-(5) Sol-(3)
= 80 (Approx)
Q-(6) Sol-(2)
Q-(7) Sol-(1)
Q-(8) Sol-(2)
Total number of ways = 4!×5!
= 24 ×120 =2880
Q-(9) Sol-(4)
Q-(10) Sol-(1)
Since A finishes 6/7th of the work in 2z hours.
B would finishes 12/7 of the work in 2z hours.
Remaining work = 1/7 and B would require = 2z/12 = z/6 hours