1-5. In questions below, out of four alternatives, choose the one which is best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark your answer.
1 Prognosis
A. diagnosis
B. forecast
C. preface
D. identity
2 Poach
A. catch
B. hunt
C. preach
D. plunder
3 Repartee
A. refuse
B. celebrate
C. response
D. question
4 Exhort
A. recommend
B. coax
C. pressure
D. push
5 Lurid
A. happy
B. abundant
C. bright
D. shocking
6-10. In questions given below, a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part at (A), (B) and (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is (D).
6 The Government should work for the better distribution of wealth.
A. equitable
B. just
C. fair
D. No improvement
7 Rahul wanted to lend me few rupees in the hour of need.
A. borrow me a few rupees
B. lend me any rupees
C. lend me a few rupees
D. No improvement
8 Since we are living in Chennai for five years,we are reluctant to move to another city.
A. Since we have been living
B. Since we were living
C. Being that we lived
D. No improvement
9 He should not had done it.
A. should had not
B. should not have
C. should have not
D. No improvement
10 It had been raining all in the night.
A. rained all in
B. been raining all through
C. raining all in
D. No improvement
Answers :-
Q.1 (2)
Q.2 (2)
Q.3 (3)
Q.4 (4)
Q.5 (4)
Q.6 (1)
Q.7 (3)
Q.8 (1)
Q.9 (2)
Q.10 (2)