1-5. In questions below out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence and mark your answer.
A. nap
B. stupor
C. insomnia
D. coma
2 A short strong based on your personal experience.
A. legend
B. fairy-tale
C. fable
D. parable
3 One who stays away from school without permission
A. mendicant
B. truant
C. pedant
D. supplicant
4 Continuing fight between parties, armies and fleets.
A. skirmish
B. parricide
C. feud
D. stoic
5 A place where clothes are kept.
A. closet
B. drawer
C. cupboard
D. wardrobe
6-10. In the following questions groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer.
A. Asspersion
B. Voluptuous
C. Voguei
D. Equestrain
A. Puissant
B. Puiscant
C. Puiscent
D. Puissent
A. Rigorous
B. Rigourous
C. Rigereous
D. Rigurous
A. Boqquet
B. Boque
C. Bouquet
D. Bouqute
A. Sepalchrl
B. Sepalchrul
C. Sepulchral
D. Sepilchrle
Q.1 (B)
Q.2 (C)
Q.3 (B)
Q.4 (A)
Q.5 (D)
Q.6 (B)
Q.7 (A)
Q.8 (A)
Q.9 (C)
Q.10 (C)