1 PROSCRIBE (VERB): (बहिष्कार करना): forbid
Synonyms: prohibit, ban
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:
Strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces.
2. MAGNITUDE (NOUN): (अहमियत): importance
Synonyms: import, significance
Antonyms: triviality
Example Sentence:
History has a lot of events of tragic magnitude.
3 EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:
The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.
4. DREADFUL (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): terrible
Synonyms: frightful, horrible
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:
He survived a dreadful accident.
5. CATASTROPHE (NOUN): (तबाही): disaster
Synonyms: calamity, cataclysm
Antonyms: salvation
Example Sentence:
Things may drag on perhaps till July, but then a catastrophe must could come.
6. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़ा): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:
It seems to make just marginal difference.
7. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी): overconfident
Synonyms: conceited, cocksure
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:
His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.
8. BURGEON (VERB): (प्रसार करना): expand
Synonyms: shoot up, swell
Antonyms: shrink
Example Sentence:
The city's suburbs have burgeoned, sprawling out from the centre.
9 FOUNDER (VERB) (असफल होना): fail
Synonyms: fall through, fall flat
Antonyms: succeed
Example Sentence:
The talks foundered on the reform issue.
10. ACCEDE (VERB): (मान लेना): accept
Synonyms: endorse, go along with
Antonyms: refuse
Example Sentence:
He did not accede to his child’s demands.
Synonyms: import, significance
Antonyms: triviality
Example Sentence:
History has a lot of events of tragic magnitude.
3 EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:
The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.
4. DREADFUL (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): terrible
Synonyms: frightful, horrible
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:
He survived a dreadful accident.
5. CATASTROPHE (NOUN): (तबाही): disaster
Synonyms: calamity, cataclysm
Antonyms: salvation
Example Sentence:
Things may drag on perhaps till July, but then a catastrophe must could come.
6. MARGINAL (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़ा): slight
Synonyms: small, tiny
Antonyms: vast
Example Sentence:
It seems to make just marginal difference.
7. OVERWEENING (ADJECTIVE): (आत्माभिमानी): overconfident
Synonyms: conceited, cocksure
Antonyms: modest
Example Sentence:
His modesty is nothing but a cover for his overweening conceit.
8. BURGEON (VERB): (प्रसार करना): expand
Synonyms: shoot up, swell
Antonyms: shrink
Example Sentence:
The city's suburbs have burgeoned, sprawling out from the centre.
9 FOUNDER (VERB) (असफल होना): fail
Synonyms: fall through, fall flat
Antonyms: succeed
Example Sentence:
The talks foundered on the reform issue.
10. ACCEDE (VERB): (मान लेना): accept
Synonyms: endorse, go along with
Antonyms: refuse
Example Sentence:
He did not accede to his child’s demands.