SSC CGL & MTS Quiz : English Language

1-5. In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the given alternatives.

Considerable political energy has been expended in highlighting social injustices due to the absence of a Uniform Civil Code. But the same vigour is missing when ___ (A) comes to legislating UC(C) For an issue festering so long, the discourse has not progressed yet to drafting actual UCCs for jurists, lawmakers and citizens to weigh in on. In their absence public ____ (B) is often shaped by ignorance and polarised views: barbs that one community is being exempted from equality before the law and scaremongering on the other end that UCC will ____ (C) upon religious freedoms. From shoot 'n' scoot strategies - using UCC as a convenient peg to beat up on ____ (D) political enemies - it is now time to progress to show and tell.

The Union government is awaiting a Law Commission report on UCC pitched as a "comprehensive exercise of the revision and reform of family law". UCC will conflict with Sharia and even the government codified laws of Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jains and Parsis. Many women are still unable to exercise their rights under these ____ (E) laws. So the danger of UCC sliding off the reform agenda is very real.

1 Choose the correct option for (A)

A. you

B. she

C. I

D. it

2 Choose the correct option for (B)

A. persona

B. advise

C. opinion

D. suggested

3 Choose the correct option for (C)

A. draft

B. infringe

C. exhibit

D. mounting

4 Choose the correct option for (D)

A. her

B. him

C. one's

D. who

5 Choose the correct option for (E)

A. done

B. codified

C. sacked

D. hamper

6-7. In the question given below, choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.

6 Spiteful

A. Harsh

B. Gentle

C. Eugenist

D. Fatalist

7 Umbrage

A. Tenet

B. Utopia

C. Calmness

D. Unruly

8-10. In the question given below, choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.

8 Rein

A. Restrict

B. Voracious

C. Abject

D. Solicit

9 Immoral

A. Depraved

B. Obstinate

C. Perpetuate

D. Impetuous

10 Mercenary

A. Connote

B. Greedy

C. Mortal

D. Abide


Q.1 (D)

Q.2 (C)

Q.3 (B)

Q.4 (C)

Q.5 (B)

Q.6 (B)

Q.7 (C)

Q.8 (A)

Q.9 (A)

Q.10 (B)
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