1. Abeyance (Noun) : निलम्बन : A state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Synonyms: Suspension, Dormancy ,Hiatus
Antonyms: Continuation , Resumption
Sentence: The development of the new software was put in abeyance until the funding
2. Topple(Verb) : गिर पड़ना : To become less steady and fall down
Synonyms: Overturn, Tumble, Collapse
Antonyms: Stabilize, Secure, Support
Sentence: The earthquake caused several buildings to topple.
3. Notoriety(Noun) : बदनामी : A negative or unfavorable reputation or fame.
Synonyms: Infamy , Disrepute , Ill fame
Antonyms: Obscurity , Anonymity, Respectability
Sentence: The criminal gained notoriety after committing a series of high-profile robberies.
4. Sleuths (Noun) : जासूस : Individuals who engage in detective work or investigations
Synonyms: Gumshoes , Private eyes ,Sherlocks
Antonyms: Culprits ,Suspects , Perpetrators
Sentence: The team of sleuths was called in to solve the complex murder case.
5. Impeccable(Adj.) : निर्दोष : A high standard of excellence, precision, or correctness.
Synonyms: Faultless ,Exemplary ,Immaculate
Antonyms: Flawed , Imperfect , Faulty
Sentence: The pianist's performance was impeccable, every note played with precision and
6. Thrashes (Verb): पीटना : The action of repeatedly hitting or striking someone or something with force, often resulting in a violent or aggressive manner.
Synonyms: Beat , Strike , Pummel
Antonyms: Stroke , Soothe , Calm
Sentence: The boxer thrashes his opponent with a series of powerful punches.
7. Blasphemy(Noun) : ईश-निंदा : The act of showing disrespect, irreverence, or contempt
Synonyms: Sacrilege , Profanity , Irreverence
Antonyms: Adoration , Respect , Piety
Sentence: He was charged with blasphemy for mocking the religious rituals.
8. Evangelization(Noun) : ईसाई धर्म प्रचार : To convert to Christianity
Synonyms: Proselytization , Preaching
Antonyms: Secularism
Sentence: The church organized a series of evangelization campaigns to reach out to the local community.
9. Extradition(Noun): प्रत्यर्पण: The return of someone accused of a crime to the country where the crime was committed
Synonyms: Rendition , Surrender
Antonyms: Asylum , Sanctuary
Sentence: The extradition treaty between the two countries allows for the transfer of suspected criminals.
10. Tedious (Adjective) : थकाऊ : Boring and lasting for a long time
Synonyms: Monotonous , Repetitive , Dreary
Antonyms: Engaging , Stimulating ,Interesting
Sentence: The long and tedious meeting left everyone feeling exhausted and unproductive.